Our Brand
According to Japanese folklore, mankind is constantly plagued by 108 burdens and anxieties in life. On the eve of every new year, all over Japan, temple bells tolled 108 times with the hope of bringing love, joy and peace to the troubled man. There is a popular belief that the tolling of temple bells, a 108 times over will effectively diminish the 108 burdens and anxieties of man.Figuratively, Lumimi persevered 108 times over and successfully produced a comprehensive lingerie size range of 108 sizes for women in the Far East. Lumimi has the widest range of lingerie sizes extensively researched and developed using Japan Bio-energy astronautical fabric technology, to suit every individual size and need.
Lumimi "Golden Sizes" offer very woman hope in restoring her ideal physique to regaining beauty and youthfulness like never before.
• Japan's Master Lingerie Designer
Asia's only specialist and team lingerie designer for women in the Far East. Lumimi is notably...
Exclusive • Exquisite • Elegant • Excellent
• 108 "Stitch & Golden Sizes"
Lumimi offers the widest range of 108 lingerie "Golden Sizes" complete with French motif, perfect cut and stitch set to be future classics and comtemporary in style culminating in the all consuming custom-tailored design for all-round smooth fit.
• Worldwide Product Recognition
Lumimi has proudly achieved ISO 9001 Quality Product recognition and ISO 14001 Environmental Friendly product award. Lumimi is internationally renowned for its stringent manufacturing and quality control.
• Asia's First Sterilized Lingerie Warehouse
Asia's largest, fully computerized and sterilized lingerie warehouse. Its computer-automated capabilities provide an even higher level of hygiene in packaging service and supply of merchandise.
• Professional Custom-tailored Service System
Professional custom-tailored lingerie cum personalized fitting service clearly differentiates Lumimi from the current practice of general-tailored lingerie services.